Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why Fused?

Some people who know me will probably think they "know" why I chose the name "Fused Pastor," but they would be wrong! Believe me, I get just as confused as the rest of you at times, and yes, that is a small part of why I chose the name. In reality, the name is more about how I view my role as a pastor in today's world. Fusion is a term often used is cooking where different cuisines are "fused" to make a new one. In my roll as a pastor, I see as one of my main duties "fusing" (or a more traditional term would be "grafting") people into the church. This is not just about reaching the lost for Christ (though this is certainly a part of it). This is more about working to blend the old and the new, the traditional and the non-traditional, the weak and the strong, and to do so in such a way that everyone grows closer to Christ through the process.
Is this fusion possible? Not only is it possible, but it is absolutely necessary if the church is to remain what Christ has called her to be. It is time to stop dwelling on our differences, and start focusing on what we have in common through Christ. The farmer and the stock broker have the same needs when it comes to salvation--Christ. It is time for us to learn to work together as the people of God if we are truly to be the "salt of the earth," the "light of the world," and the "city on the hill."
This blog is simply my reflections on my efforts to make fusion possible where I am and to encourage others to join with me to become "fused pastors!"


Amy Florence said...

Well, leave it to you to turn (con)fused into a term that is so widely used on the food network these days! It sums up your philosophy of ministry quite well and I can't wait to read more...

Jack said...

Tim,well you got the introduction down. I can't wait to read what comes next. Sorry I missed the ordination. I've had a very busy summer from a NC vacation to a work required presentation at a national meeting in Albuquerque. I hope you are well settled in at Stillwater. I would avoid words like "currently" serving that sound like you are looking for your next job. LOL

Reyes-Chow said...

Thanks for the linkage on your side bar! Look forward to reading more!