Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Confused about Fusion?

Fusion is a part of life. We just don’t often take the time to realize this fact. We fall in love, we get married, a fusion is born! The activities we participated in as a single person may or may not remain after we are married. New activities begin to fill the void created when we “became one” with another person. Because we love our spouse, we will change (or at least tweak) our interests. For example, my wife didn’t really care about University of Kentucky basketball until we were married. Now we watch those games together. I didn’t drink beer, but now we are always on the lookout for a new microbrewery to try out! We have both changed. That is really what fusion is all about—adjusting to a new set of circumstances. If a church has a new member that God has blessed with talents that are new to the congregation, fusion is ready to happen! Maybe that new person plays the guitar—this would provide a wonderful addition to a worship service (if fusion is allowed to happen.) Perhaps the new person is a gourmet chef—can you see the possibilities for your next congregational meal?!? Now just because a person has a unique talent, doesn’t always mean that fusion will take place, but it is a catalyst for the opportunity to change. Too often, we simply do our best to make the new person’s talents fit our existing programs rather than letting their talents expand our programs! A Fused Pastor will do his or her best to make sure that everyone’s talents will be used in the best interests of the Kingdom. Think about it, are there people in your congregation that are not using their God-given talents in the Lord’s service? Is that their fault or the Pastor’s? I pray that the Lord keeps me open (and all Pastors) to the wonderful opportunities that each person brings with them. What a shame it would be to waste a God-given talent because we don’t take the time to find a way to fuse them into our congregations!

1 comment:

Bobbie Giltz McGarey said...

Ok so I'm catching up on your writing..
I appreciate your understanding the reasons people come to churches of certain sizes. Having grown up in a 5000 member church and currently pastor a church with 80 in worship on Sunday 60 more members officially on the books, I've seen many models.
What do large congregations do? They make small groups. Welcome to the world of the small membership churches.
We're not 'small' in heart or spirit.