Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sad Times

Well, Amy left to go back to Princeton yesterday. As sad as I am, I think Kizzy may be having a harder time adjusting. Every time we come back to the house she runs around and looks for Amy and Calvin. When has done her search, she comes over and looks at me with these "what have I done to deserve this" eyes.

I wonder if that is how God feels when He visits our church services and looks for His children and can't find them there? He looks all over the building to be sure and then is sad because His children choose to be off doing other things rather than worshiping Him.

What do we have to do that is more important that worship? Oh, we can blame sports or family or whatever, but the bottom line is that worship is no longer a priority for many of God's children. We can blame society for this, but the fact is, we STILL have a choice. Will we honor God or will we let the world take us away from worship? It is our choice. For God's sake, make the right one!

1 comment:

Amy Florence said...

I'm so sad. It seems like we mistreated Kizzy terribly. I can't wait until we come driving up and she comes running out to greet us when we finally make it back up there.